Economic Terms and Definitions by Letter I
Below is a list of economic terms with initial I, please click through to see its definition.
Alphabetical Reference to Over 2,000 Economic Terms
- I
- identification lag
- immigration
- impact lag
- imperfect competition
- implementation lag
- implicit collusion
- implicit cost
- implicit logrolling
- implicit opportunity cost
- implicit price deflator
- import
- import quota
- import substitution
- imports
- imports line
- in-kind payment
- incentive
- income
- utility analysis income change
- income distribution
- income earned but not received
- income effect
- income elasticity of demand
- income received but not earned
- income statement
- income tax
- demand determinant income
- income-expenditure model
- income-price model
- increasing marginal returns
- increasing opportunity cost
- increasing returns to scale
- increasing-cost industry
- independent variable
- indeterminant
- index
- Index of Consumer Sentiment
- indifference curve
- indifference map
- indirect
- indirect business taxes
- individual retirement account
- induced
- induced change
- induced consumption
- induced expenditure
- induced government purchases
- induced imports
- induced investment
- induced net exports
- induced saving
- industrial organization
- industrial union
- industry
- industry regulation
- inefficiency
- inelastic
- inelastic demand
- inelastic supply
- inferior good
- inflation
- inflation causes
- inflation premium
- inflation problems
- inflation rate
- aggregate demand determinant inflationary expectations
- aggregate expenditures determinant inflationary expectations
- inflationary gap
- Keynesian model inflationary gap
- inflexible prices
- inflexible wages
- information
- infrastructure
- inheritance tax
- injection
- injection line
- injection-leakage model
- injections-leakages model
- injunction
- innovation
- input
- inside lag
- insider trading
- insolvency
- institution
- instrument
- insurance
- Inter-American Development Bank
- aggregate expenditures line intercept
- consumption line intercept
- government purchases line intercept
- investment line intercept
- net exports line intercept
- saving line intercept
- interdependence
- interest
- interest rate
- aggregate demand determinant interest rates
- aggregate expenditures determinant interest rates
- interest-rate effect
- interlocking directorate
- intermediary
- intermediate good
- intermediate goods and services
- intermediate range
- internal rate of return
- Internal Revenue Service
- international
- International Brotherhood of Teamsters
- international economics
- international finance
- International Monetary Fund
- international trade
- international-substitution effect
- intersection
- introduction stage
- invention
- inventory
- inverse
- investment
- investment banking
- investment borrowing
- investment business cycle
- investment demand
- investment demand curve
- investment determinant
- investment expenditure
- investment expenditures
- investment line
- investment security
- production possibilities investment
- investment-saving model
- invisible hand
- involuntary exchange
- involuntary unemployment
- Islamic Development Bank