Economic Terms and Definitions by Letter C
Below is a list of economic terms with initial C, please click through to see its definition.
Alphabetical Reference to Over 2,000 Economic Terms
- C
- C corporation
- capacity utilization rate
- capital
- capital account
- capital account deficit
- capital account surplus
- capital consumption adjustment
- capital consumption allowance
- capital depreciation
- capital gains tax
- capital good
- capital investment
- capital market
- aggregate supply determinant capital stock
- capitalism
- capture theory of regulation
- cardinal
- cardinal utility
- Caribbean Community
- cartel
- cash
- Cato Institute
- cause and effect
- caveat emptor
- caveat venditor
- CD
- central bank
- central planning
- certificate of deposit
- ceteris paribus
- chaebol
- Chairman of the Board of Governors
- change in aggregate demand
- change in aggregate expenditures
- change in aggregate supply
- change in business inventories
- change in demand
- change in inventories
- change in private inventories
- change in quantity demanded
- change in quantity supplied
- change in real production
- change in supply
- check clearing
- checkable deposit
- checkable deposits
- circular flow
- civilian labor force
- classical aggregate supply curve
- classical economics
- classical range
- Clayton Act
- closed economy
- closed shop
- Coase theorem
- coefficient of elasticity
- cognitive dissonance
- coin
- coincident economic indicator
- collective bargaining
- collusion
- collusion and efficiency
- collusion production analysis
- command and control
- command economy
- commercial paper
- commodity exchange
- commodity money
- common market
- common stock
- common-property good
- Commonwealth
- Commonwealth versus Hunt
- communication
- communism
- company
- company town
- comparable worth
- comparative advantage
- comparative statics
- compensating wages
- compensation of employees
- competition
- competition along a line
- competition among the few
- competition among the many
- competitive forces
- competitive market
- complement
- complement-in-consumption
- complement-in-production
- complex expenditure multiplier
- compound interest
- Comptroller of the Currency
- concave
- concentrated
- concentration ratio
- conciliation
- The Conference Board
- confidence index
- conglomerate merger
- Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Congressional Budget Office
- conservative
- constant GDP
- constant gross domestic product
- constant returns to scale
- constant-cost industry
- constrained utility maximization
- consumer
- Consumer Advisory Council
- consumer behavior
- consumer confidence
- Consumer Confidence Index
- aggregate demand determinant consumer confidence
- aggregate expenditures determinant consumer confidence
- consumer demand theory
- consumer equilibrium
- Consumer Price Index
- Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers
- Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers
- Consumer Product Safety Commission
- consumer sovereignty
- consumers
- consumer surplus
- consumption
- consumption determinant
- consumption expenditure
- consumption expenditures
- consumption function
- consumption good
- consumption line
- consumption schedule
- consumption tax
- consumption-income relation
- contestable markets
- contraction
- contractionary fiscal policy
- contractionary gap
- contractionary monetary policy
- contractionary policy
- contributive standard
- convex
- core inflation rate
- corporate bond
- corporate income tax
- corporate profits
- corporate profits distribution
- corporate profits tax
- corporate stock
- corporation
- correlated
- correlation
- cost
- cost minimization
- cost of living
- cost-push inflation
- Council of Economic Advisors
- coupon rate
- CPI and GDP price deflator
- craft union
- creative destruction
- credit
- credit card
- credit crunch
- credit union
- creditor nation
- cross elasticity of demand
- cross-price elasticity of demand
- crowding out
- currency
- current account
- current account deficit
- current account surplus
- current GDP
- current gross domestic product
- Current Population Survey
- current production
- current surplus of government enterprises
- current yield
- curve
- customs union
- cyclical unemployment