Economic Terms and Definitions by Letter P
Below is a list of economic terms with initial P, please click through to see its definition.
Alphabetical Reference to Over 2,000 Economic Terms
- p-e ratio
- packaging
- paper currency
- paper economy
- par value
- paradox of thrift
- Pareto efficiency
- Pareto improvement
- part-time workers
- partnership
- patent
- paternalism
- payment flow
- payroll tax
- peak
- per unit tax
- perception
- perfect competition
- perfect competition and demand
- perfect competition and efficiency
- perfect competition and short-run supply curve
- perfect competition characteristics
- factor market analysis perfect competition
- long-run adjustment perfect competition
- long-run equilibrium conditions perfect competition
- long-run production analysis perfect competition
- loss minimization perfect competition
- marginal analysis perfect competition
- profit analysis perfect competition
- profit maximization perfect competition
- realism perfect competition
- revenue division perfect competition
- short-run production analysis perfect competition
- shutdown perfect competition
- total analysis perfect competition
- perfect price discrimination
- perfectly elastic
- perfectly inelastic
- personal consumption expenditures
- personal income
- personal income and disposable income
- personal income and national income
- personal income tax
- personal tax and nontax payments
- personal taxes
- personality
- phenomenon
- physical asset
- physical capital
- physical flow
- physical science
- physical wealth
- aggregate demand determinant physical wealth
- aggregate expenditures determinant physical wealth
- PI
- picket line
- pie chart
- Pigouvian tax
- planned economy
- planned investment
- planning curve
- planning horizon
- planning period
- plant
- plastic money
- plurality rule
- point elasticity
- policies
- policy lags
- political business cycle
- political forces
- political philosophies
- pollution
- pollution rights market
- pollution types
- portfolio investment
- positive economics
- positive relation
- potential gross domestic product
- potential real gross domestic product
- poverty
- poverty line
- poverty rate
- predatory pricing
- preferences
- utility analysis preferences change
- preferred stock
- premium
- present value
- price
- price ceiling
- utility analysis price change
- price controls
- price discrimination
- price elasticity of demand
- price elasticity of supply
- price fixing
- price flexibility
- price floor
- price index
- price leadership
- price level
- price maker
- price rationing
- price regulation
- price rigidity
- price stability
- price taker
- price-cost margin
- price-earnings ratio
- prime rate
- principal-agent problem
- principle
- principle of median location
- principle of minimum differences
- principle of the median voter
- print and mint
- printers union
- prisoners' dilemma
- private good
- private property
- private sector
- privatization
- Producer Price Index
- producer surplus
- product
- product differentiation
- product life cycle
- product market
- product markets
- product quality
- production
- production cost
- production function
- production inputs
- production possibilities
- production possibilities curve
- production possibilities frontier
- production possibilities schedule
- production stages
- production time periods
- profit
- profit and loss statement
- profit curve
- monopolistic competition profit curve
- monopoly profit curve
- profit maximization
- monopolistic competition profit maximization
- monopoly profit maximization
- progressive tax
- promissory note
- promotion
- propensity-to-consume line
- propensity-to-save line
- property rights
- property tax
- proportional tax
- proprietors' income
- proprietorship
- prosperity
- psychological influences
- psychological law
- public choice
- public debt
- public finance
- public good
- public goods
- public sector
- public utilities
- public utility
- purchasing power
- purchasing-power parity
- pure command economy
- pure inflation
- pure market economy