Economic Terms and Definitions by Letter E
Below is a list of economic terms with initial E, please click through to see its definition.
Alphabetical Reference to Over 2,000 Economic Terms
- earnings report
- easy money
- economic analysis
- Economic and Monetary Union
- Economic Commission for Latin America
- economic cost
- economic development
- economic efficiency
- economic forces
- economic goal
- economic goals
- economic good
- economic growth
- production possibilities economic growth
- sources economic growth
- economic indicators
- economic policies
- economic production
- economic profit
- Economic Recovery Tax Act
- economic rent
- Economic Report of the President
- economic science
- economic system
- economic thinking
- economic union
- economic
- economics
- economies of scale
- economies of scope
- economist
- economize
- economy
- education
- effective demand
- efficiency
- efficient search
- determinants efficient search
- efficient
- eight-firm concentration ratio
- elastic demand
- elastic supply
- elastic
- elasticity alternatives
- demand elasticity alternatives
- supply elasticity alternatives
- elasticity and demand slope
- elasticity and supply intercept
- elasticity determinants
- elasticity
- embargo
- emigration
- empirical
- employed persons
- employed
- employment quota
- employment rate
- employment
- employment-population ratio
- endogenous variable
- endpoint formula
- aggregate supply determinant energy prices
- enterprise
- entrepreneurship
- entry barrier
- entry barriers
- environment
- environmental quality
- environmental scanning
- equality standard
- equation of exchange
- equilibrium price
- equilibrium quantity
- equilibrium
- aggregate market equilibrium
- long-run aggregate market equilibrium
- short-run aggregate market equilibrium
- equipment
- equity market
- equity
- estate tax
- EU
- Euro zone
- euro
- Eurodollars
- European Central Bank
- European Commission
- European Currency Unit
- European System of Central Banks
- European Union
- excess capacity
- excess demand
- excess reserves
- excess supply
- exchange rate mechanism
- exchange rate
- aggregate demand determinant exchange rates
- aggregate expenditures determinant exchange rates
- exchange
- excise tax
- excludability
- exclusive agreement
- executive summary
- exhaustible resource
- exogenous variable
- expansion
- expansionary fiscal policy
- expansionary gap
- expansionary monetary policy
- expansionary policy
- expectations
- expenditure multiplier
- explicit collusion
- explicit cost
- explicit logrolling
- explicit opportunity cost
- exploitation
- exploration
- export promotion
- export
- exports line
- exports
- external benefit
- external cost
- externalities
- externality