Economic Terms and Definitions by Letter O
Below is a list of economic terms with initial O, please click through to see its definition.
Alphabetical Reference to Over 2,000 Economic Terms
- occupational mobility
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration
- Office of Management and Budget
- oikonomos
- Okun's law
- oligopolistic behavior
- oligopoly
- oligopoly and monopolistic competition
- oligopoly and monopoly
- oligopoly characteristics
- concentration oligopoly
- realism oligopoly
- oligopsony
- open economy
- open market
- open market operations
- open shop
- operating statement
- opportunity cost
- production possibilities opportunity cost
- option
- ordinal
- ordinal utility
- Organization of American States
- Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
- organized labor
- origin
- other prices
- other things equal
- outlaw strike
- output
- output gaps
- outside lag
- over-the-counter market
- overemployment
- overt collusion
- owner occupied
- owner-occupied housing
- ownership and control
- ownership liability